Delighted to have been awarded membership of this prestigious organisation, my fellow inductees this year were Michelle Pfeifer and Harrison Ford!!! swoon!!
My sincere thanks to Robert Dante and this league of top circus and performance whip crackers and makers from around the world who nominated and voted for me . Thank you!
The Whip Cracking resource Guide
Types of whip, how to crack a whip, with details of the whip makers that Peter personally knows and loves from around the world. He owns and regularly uses whips from over 14 makers.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for a list of whip makers
Where to buy a whip from in the UK, Europe, America and Canada
Whip cracking and western skills workshops available for Beginners and professionals
contact Peter on or have a chat on 07875 826773
But first! Lassos and whips go together as well as whips and knife throwing and if you are looking to build an act a lasso is a great addition:
Traditional Samson spot cord lassos are expensive, sand not user friendly until you’ve “worn” them in, so I offer these 100% cotton ropes that provide easier handling and great value for money.
“The 12ft and 15ft Lassos of Love!”
Traditional Samson cotton cored rope is stiff and unfriendly to use until it’s “worn in” (can take years!!) and need to be spun in your fingers continually to prevent twisting into a frightened worm! These, 12 and 15 feet long lassos, made using 100% Cotton soft rope are a joy to use as they are fitted with marine grade stainless steel swivels that are fixed in place with Dyneema cord
A “stop” is added at the balanced part of the spoke to ensure they form the perfect loop as easily as possible so you can spin a solid horizontal loop that you can dance around .. put small armadillos inside and have all sorts of fun ..
The “spinner” is heavy duty marine grade stainless steel with a ball bearing swivel rather than the soft metal swivels fitted in other makes.
We normally make them at 12 foot as this will suit most cowgirls and boys, a 15ftr will suit taller peeps. and 7, 15, 20 and 40 ft are available to order.
THe Lasso of Love
12 or 15ft : £18.00 inc P&P in the UK
18 or 20 foot £22.00 inc P&P in the UK
Longer lengths available
Whip crackers (poppers) for sale.
Dyneema Crackers ( EXTRA LOUD, EXTRA TOUGH!)
If you are looking for LOUD and no tangle crackers for shows these are the way to go. Colours will vary.
5 times stronger than steel this PE fibre lasts longer than any other cracker we have ever used and being particularly thin the crack is sharper and louder than a loud thing! The other advantage is that it has a natural lubricity (slipperiness to you and me) which means they are less likely to tangle or get caught up on a rough nylon whip.
Price: £4.50 for 6 Crackers inc P&P in the UK . All one sort or you can pick n mix.
Baling Twine and Dyneema Crackers
Farmers baling twine is the traditional cracker material, but it doesn’t last that long, so we mix the two fibres together to give you a nice visible cracker for stage work that is a good weight and backed up by the ruggedness of the Dyneema, you get a cracker that lasts and rarely tangles.
Price: £4.50 for 6 Crackers inc P&P in the UK . All one sort or you can pick n mix.
“ Chainsaw crackers!
These were developed when Steve Backshall ( Deadly Dinosaurs, Whale etc) needed to demonstrate the power of a Dinosaurs tail by cutting a drinks can in half with a whip live on TV…
4 for £4.50 or your can make your own very easily using higrade diablo string
Contact us via email at or 07875 826773
Payment via PayPal please, please add the admin fee if not paying via FF
How to make your own crackers and how to change them/ attach crackers is on the link below on the A Handful of Hats, YouTube Channel
The whip Buyers resource guide
Sect 1 Why this guide …Introduction
Section Two: The different types of Whip
Section Three : How to measure a whip
Section Four: How long a whip should I buy?
Section Five: What to look for in a whip.
Section Six: Where to buy and what to pay.
Make your own Adam Winrich “Instant Whip”
Section Seven : How to crack a whip and Whip cracking safety.
Section Eight: A Guide to Whip Makers
Section Nine: More on cracking a whip and a whip maintenance guide.
Section One
Why the Whip Buyers Resource Guide?
Having taught hundreds of folk in western arts workshops all over the UK and Europe, he got increasingly frustrated at the rubbish that some sellers and websites still try to foist onto the unsuspecting beginner.
Whether they quote world renowned whip makers as inspiration or claim their whips have been used in films is no guarantee, also avoid so called "money back guarantees !! (he’s seen new whips that broke at the transition ( the bit just after the handle) after the new owner cracked it just 5 times and the refund was refused because “it only applies if the whip is unused!!”
With some exceptions avoid Ebay and Etsy specials, check below for good makers.
No money? You can make one yourself for £12 and put on a show! See below or check out the Adam Winrich “Instant Whip” on YouTube!
If you are tempted to buy something off the net but aren’t sure , contact Peter for his opinion.
“Why should I listen to him? “
Please accept these scribbles as a guide. Peter is no whip maker, he leaves that to the skilled individuals listed later on, but having used and owned hundreds of whips from many different makers, and having been trained with three world champions and cracked whips professionally for over 30 years all over the world, won International and National whip cracking championships and being honoured as the only performer in the UK to be elected to the Bullwhip Hall of Fame and is one of only two International Western Arts Club " Master Whip Trainers’ " in Europe, he knows a good whip when he handles one.
The advice offered is in good faith. "caveat emptor et volunti non fit injura!" Buyer beware and you participate in the sport at your own risk.
Introduction to buying a whip
The Different Types of Whip Available
Bull Whips, Target Whips, Stock whips, Snake whips, Performance Hybrid (PH) whips, are just some of the many different types of whip available and they all differ in terms of the amount of leverage and mass they offer, some are easier to crack than others and for a beginner I recommend a 4ft or 5ft Performance Hybrid whip.
Examples of Performance Hybrid Whip
(They have plastic tube handles and parachute cord nylon braids that fit down inside the hollow tube handles and are then tied in place , the braid is supposed to swivel slightly in the tube.
Example of Stockwhips,
Based on traditional hunting whips they are very popular in Australia and all over the world
The braid, the longest part of the whip, should be smoothly tapered so it is thinner at the end, stockwhips are made in Kangaroo hide, Kudu hide (a type of African gazelle) and cow hide plus nylon paracord but whether it is leather or nylon they are always attached to the handle by a “keeper” a strap made of leather or nylon that acts as a hinge.
Examples of Bullwhips
The braided part of the whip is solidly bound to the core of the handle which is generally a steel spike, a poorly made bullwhip can break at the transition point between the handle and the braid as there is no flexible joint like there is with a PH, Cow or Stock whip so buying from a reputable maker is paramount. See below for places and people to buy from, Below is a fabulous whip made by Blake Gorey of the US.
Examples of Cow whip
Generally a Cow whip consists of wooden handle about 18 inches long with a socket for the end of the braid to sit in which is then tied to the handle , you get some movement in the transition similar to PH whips but the handles can be works of art in themselves with exotic woods in use like these tambouli and black maple whips from Mark Elliot, they tend to be heavier than PH whips and maybe not as agile as a stockwhip , they are associated with the cattlemen in the wetlands of Florida
How to Measure a whip
and Which type and length of whip should I buy?
How to measure a whip , see the photo below ,
The area in red are COMMONLY used to describe the length of a whip, a PH style whip normally does not include the handle in its length just like a stock whip or cow whip, but be aware a UK reseller describes a 3ft PH whip as a 4ft PH whip because they include the handle in its length.
I also like to know the weight of a whip, trying to do a fast routine with a whip that weighs over 1kg is madness! See below for typical weights, sadly most makers don’t weigh their whips but we are working on them.
Is the weight of a whip important?
I’m keen to know how heavy the whip is, as some whips, like the old whips Oddballs Juggling Company used to sell, had solid steel bar handles that were ridiculous.
Some makers though, are hesitant to give the weight information as when questioned they maintain that “if a whip is balanced well, the weight doesn’t matter “ .. they obviously have not performed three 40 minute shows or taught whip cracking for 6 hours a day, for days at a time ! :-)
The problem is most whips are bought sight unseen and the first time you get to touch it is when it arrives in the post.. See below for a little exercise I did recently on whip weights.
Whip weight results
As a rough guide:
A 5 - 6ft whip with a total weight of :-
Less that .3kg (that’s a third of a Kilo or 11ounces ) is a Lightweight whip.
.5kg and above (just over 16 ounces in weight) is a Medium weight
.7kg ( 25 ounces) and above is a Heavy whip.
Of course the longer the whip the heavier it gets and Pete had a beautiful twenty foot nylon bullwhip made for him that weighed nearly three kilos,
Results of a whip weighing session
Section Five: What to look for in a whip
Nylon or Leather whips? what is the best ?
Personally I love leather whips and a well made kangaroo hide bullwhip cannot be surpassed, but the UK weather means that nylon whips make a lot more sense, (even a well greased leather whip hates the rain and can degrade)
What should I look for in a whip?
Look for good even braiding, if it's patterned then it should be an even pattern all down the length with no obvious twist, it shouldn't be too tight or too loose, when you hold it up and rotate the handle there should be no obvious kinks, twist or bends.
If you have a nylon (paracord) whip, hold the whip horizontally , bring the braid up and loop it so it forms a horseshoe curve with the tail of the whip pointing down and then slowly dip your hand down, the loop should smoothly roll down the length of the whip.
Will whips loosen with age ?
New leather whips tend to be stiffer and may need " breaking in" before they do that though.
Your nylon whip should flows nicely from the start .. too stiff is a bad sign and protestations from makers that it will “ loosen given time “ are full of BS, they may loosen up a little bit but I’ve still got stiff nylon whips you can dig holes with …)
How many plait(strands) of braid should I go for?
Kangaroo leather whips
Read the description or ask questions if the details aren't given, for leather whips kangaroo (roo) hide is the best and the higher the number of plait or strands the better the quality of the whip, 8 and 12 strand are popular with 16, 24 and 32 being top end quality but the higher the plait count, the narrower the braid strand and the easier it is to break them if used roughly.
Properly made they will have a rolled hide core, sometimes with a shot bag of small lead balls and then braided over the top in maybe 4 plait to make a “belly” , then sometimes a leather bolster is laid over it to give it a nice thick shape then braided over the top again, before the final braided covering , effectively they can be two or three braided whips in one.
In Europe see Johnny Ogren at Witchcraft Whips
In Australia See Glen Denholm, Chris Barr, Peter Thorndike and Tony Nugent to name just a couple of fantastic makers.
Tasmania: the legendary Simon Martin
New Zealand, Peter Jack ( The Whipman)
In America Adam Winrich, Blake Corey , etc
In South Africa Gerhard van Zyl makes fantastic Kudo leather whips
Cowhide, Red or White Hide whips
Cow hide can be red hide, kip, green or white hide depending on the tanning process , the leather can be much thicker than roo hide, but they can all still makes great whips .
I have a series of 4 plait red cow hide stock whips that are indestructible but a bit heavy for some people. Also kudu a type of gazelle leather from South Africa is used , very tough stuff and it makes fantastic whips, we used ten to teach over a thousand people recently and they don’t even show any signs of use !!! Contact Gerhard van Zhyl from South Africa
Nylon or Paracord whips ,
Traditionally made with certified military grade parachute cord with the inner strands removed, . You can get extraordinary colour choices including UV reactive and fluorescent in paracord. A good maker will ensure that their cord is the best they can get so check out the makers below. Some makers are using a cheaper Polyester cord that can damage more easily, ask!
Performance Hybrid Whips
A lot of the very popular PH style whips are generally 8/12 braided strands of paracord covering a core of bundled paracord , relatively cheap, light and fast, they work well and some of my heavily used ones are 10 years old and more .
Quality checks
Worth doing is bending the braid well, to see if you can see the core easily inbetween the braiding, if you can it may not last very long, a well made whip might have another layer of braid underneath but if the top cover is tightly braided you'd be hard pressed to see it .
I've had whips with a rope and paper core that had just been braided over and whips so loosely braided the core of bundled strands of para cord used as its core could be clearly seen.. not clever.
A lot of makers "wax" their whips , that is they are dipped into molten paraffin or soya wax then left to drain and cool, this fills in gaps in the core and gives it a heavier feel, some say it helps the whip and some say nay.
Try them all and make your own mind up.
Try before you buy if you possibly can!
If you know what you are doing and it doesn't crack easily, put it back!
if it's as stiff as a stiff thing , don't touch it !
Don't listen to bull about it being " over waxed" and or a nylon whip getting looser with use , they will a little bit, but if it's as stiff and doesn't roll out at all you don't stand a chance,
Section Six: Where to buy and what to pay
Who should I buy from?
How much will they cost ?
A professional whip maker may take week make a 8 foot roo hide whip, (cutting the strands, sizing them, tapering them etc etc etc), good kangaroo hide is very expensive so think about the wages for a week for a skilled professional craftsman , add the cost of the product, rent and rates of the shop, heat light pension and insurance and some profit then don't be surprised to pay from £500 to thousands for a quality leather whip.
Contact me
Will I have to pay up front while they make me one?
Yes , and ask how long you will have to wait, I once waited two years for a whip from a world renowned maker and three is not unheard of for Simon Martin whips but I know first class makers who can make you a whip in a month, so ask and see.
Buying a whip from America and Europe
Don't forget to add post, packing and shipping plus Customs Duty if you are ordering from abroad! Expect to pay a minimum of £29 “ Customs Handling Fee” if the whip is listed as $100 or so and expectr to pay much more Import Duty plus VAT for more expensive whips.
What if I only have a tiny budget to buy a whip?
You can make your own Adam Winrich Instant whip!
See below for the instructions and contents list with suppliers, the material cost is about £15. as of 2024 . Here is a video of Adam making them.
Instant Whip courtesy of Adam Winrich
Join us on Facebook. Sports, Circus and Performance Whip Crackers Group
Adam Winrichs' Instant Whips
6ft Instant Whip Adam and I teaching at a Convention Hungarian whip Me at work :-)
Section seven : whip safety
Whip Cracking Safety Guidance and how to crack a whip
As every whip cracker knows, 'ouch' is the sound of learning! But follow these simple guidelines, and you should prevent a minor mishap from becoming a major injury.
Whip cracking is inherently dangerous, when you start please follow this advice
1 Always wear eye protection (safety glasses)
2 Always wear a hat to protect your ears, a long sleeved top and loose jeans. If you are trying complicated cracking routines especially two handed ones then a roll neck top or Buff is not a bad idea,
3 Find a place where you can practice that will not alarm the public or frighten dogs or children.
4 Do not crack whips on gravel or tarmac, it wears them out badly and can send shrapnel at the speed of sound towards innocent bystanders.
5 Ensure that when the "cracker" at the end either falls off or wears out, that you replace it promptly, otherwise the "fall" at the end of a nylon whip will fray and shorten. Click here for how to make crackers etc
6 Keep an eye on the state of the fall (the long thin bit at the end) because if knots appear in it (and they will) they can be difficult to remove if left in place and they weaken the fall.
7 Keep whips off the floor, just like people they don’t like being stepped on.
8 If you are cracking indoors or practising a lot, wear hearing protection, ear plugs can work OK.
9. Always check above you and around you for obstructions, lights and branches etc that you might hit.
10. Bear in mind the noise is going away from when you crack, the audience will get the full force.
Cracking a whip
Check out “ how to crack a whip” on YouTube, look out for videos from Adam Winrich, Paul Nolan, April Choi etc. if you don’t have access to the Internet please read this advice : The Hairpin Loop
To get a whip to crack, you need it to allow a “hairpin loop“ to form along the whip when you are throwing it, however.. if you do it too slow, it will collapse, too fast and nothing happens.
A good analogy and practice routine is to go through the motions of throwing a dart.
Step 1 : Pick the dart up off the table.
Step 2: Aim it at the target.
Step 3: Throw it at the target
I tell my students to say to themselves “Up, Wait, Throw” , The “Wait” section will allow the whip to go up and fall behind you and allow loop to form when you throw it forward, The difference between making a great crack and stony silence is milliseconds of timing, Practice Padawan! Practice! and wear safety kit
Holding the whip
There is no hard or fast rule on how to hold a whip but one way that works for me is to hold the whip so that the heel knot (the bulbous thing at the end) is in the palm of your hand and adopt a tennis handle grip on the handle, the "Heel Knot" in your palm creates a “ball joint” and the whip is now a natural extension of your arm.
Cracking the whip
Put your arm down, so the back of your thumb is pointing to your front and trail the whip behind you along your side.
Square your shoulders slightly so your arm is swinging slightly away from your body and directly alongside you and not at an angle across your body or the whip will follow that line and hit you.
Look all around and behind, check no one or thing is within range. A 4 ft whip with a 12 inch handle and a twenty inch fall and cracker has just extended your reach by 6 and half feet, bear that in mind..
Look forward at a target at your head or chest height, (it could be a leaf on tree in the distance or a light switch if you are indoors)
Relax and Swing
Don’t try too hard! relax .. it should be smooth and lightly done you are not facing an armed foe!
Swing the whip up with sufficient force so that it doesn’t collapse on you, when it gets to the top of the arc, let the tip of the whip go up and behind you and then throw it forward with a flick of the wrist at the target.
Follow through
Do not stop the whips forward motion abruptly or pull back on the whip towards you, that will end in tears, but allow your hand to follow through gently, ( don’t punch it forward! ) you can lower your arm to your side ready to try another crack but please don’t crack the whip at the floor, they don’t like that. You are wearing a hat aren't you?
It doesn’t take strength or force, it takes timing, finesse and bravery, done well it is powerful, invigorating, enabling and empowering, do it badly and it hurts..
Be in charge,
One of my all time favourite whips, a heavy black roo hide bullwhip came from Australian with a little brown paper label tied to it with a written note from the maker that said “ She can smell fear” Be bold, be brave, crack a whip!¬
Ow! Is the sound of learning in whip cracking, but if you are hitting yourself repeatedly you are doing something fundamentally wrong! Video yourself in action and send it to me and I’ll try and advise.
More Advice
There are video links on the website on how to crack whips and how to make crackers and replace them and on the A Handful of Hats YouTube Channel
If you bought a whip off us, we added a spare cracker in the bag, but they are fun to make and easy to fix in place. There are whip maintenance videos on how to do that and more on YouTube channel A Handful of Hats.
Animal herding
Whips have been around since we first domesticated animals, the noise is used to herd, direct and discourage not to hit.
Volenti non fit iniuria!
We will not be held responsible for any harm or damage caused by or to you using these whips.
Take care and have fun.
We run a Facebook group for family friendly whip crackers, look for the Sport Circus and Performance Whip Crackers Group, it has over a 1000 members from all over the world.
Peter Gamble, 23 Harbour Road, Barry, CF62 5SA
Tel. 07875 826773
. International Freestyle Whip Performance Champion, European and UK National Whip Champion. European Whip Cracking Association: Master Trainer. Member of The Bull Whip Hall of Fame
Have fun and crack on,
Structured lessons for actors, stunt people, and performers in whip cracking and performance stunts and tricks,
Knife throwing and performance skills.
Section Eight: The Whip Makers Guide
Makers are not in any order of preference nor can I vouch for any product or remedy any fault. but I have bought great whips off these makers in the past.
UK makers first, Facebook or website links you may need to copy and paste them into the Address bar of your search engine.
Whip makers in the UK
Andy Horobin
Circus performer and tutor. Another Welsh whip maker who is now selling nylon whips that work very nicely, Contact Andy for prices.
Ross Buckley BullWhip
See his Etsy page. lovely bullwhips , 4ft PH whips from £100 and he makes great long whips too
Ed Mondo
A talented circus performer, he’s been making nylon whips for a while and he now sells them via Oddballs Juggling store as Mondo whips , he includes the handle in the length of the PH whips so for a 4ft PH whip you’ll need to order a 5ft one etc .
Whip makers in Europe
Sylvia Rosat
Silver Whips
Sylvia is professional circus performer, Guinness World Record holder for cracking and juggling whips.
Based in Switzerland and Bulgaria she is an exceptional whip artiste who has developed her own beautiful style of Arrow long handled bull whips that are very popular in the circus world.
She also makes PH style workshop whips that are fantastic. Buy them
She offers whip cracking workshops throughout Europe and beyond
WitchcrafT Whips
World class kangaroo hide whips from Johnny Ogren , a true craftsman and a lovely bloke to boot
Beautiful whips, lovingly made.
American Whipmakers
America has a couple of wholesalers that sell whips, Dube in New York and Kyle Petersens’ Western Stage Props has the most comprehensive list of props that any self discerning cowboy or girl would cry for .. I’ve bought lasso ropes off him in the past and the service is great but be prepared to pay postage and sometimes customs duty into the UK , and a number of whips from Paul Nolan so you know he is a quality outfit.
Adam Winrich
World famous whip performer and all round nice guy, he has probably the largest collection of quality whips from famous makers around the world, he repairs and restores antique whips and makes some of the nicest nylon whips you would like to meet! ( he also makes world class roo hide too! )
I owe my whip cracking fame and fortune to Adam by managing to beat him in the International Whip Championship in Dallas Fort Worth. He graciously made me a pair of the first PH style whips we had seen in the UK !!
Blake Gorey Smoky Mountain Whips
This extraordinarily talented whip maker makes collectors quality whips of exceptional quality, he won the latest Whipmakers contest in LA quite deservedly. I’ve used his whips and sadly had to give it up as it was the star prize for the 2019 European Championships here in the UK.
Mark Elliot
Palo Duro whips
Mark is a relative late comer to whip making but over the last 5 years has made increasingly fine beautifully flowing nylon whips with wonderfully fashioned handles, in some in exotic woods, that show his photographers eye in the detail and the care and the lyrical names he gives these fruits of Texas toil.
Torrance Fisher
Swordguy Builds
This California based dynamo makes fantastic leather and nylon whips, with innovative designs, funky additions, experimental braids and a touch of genius.
In house specials and custom builds are all dealt with the same care and a passion for his craft.
I have bull and PH whips from Torrance and he deserves the high regard given to him by whip makers all over the world.
PAUL Nolan
Midwest Whips
Based in Los Angeles , very skilled maker and whip handler, lovely bloke and lovely whips, the go to guy for the film industry and the discerning whip cracker.
Greg DeSaye
20 years ago I bought whips off this Montana cowboy and they still work brilliantly, he still makes exceptional good and tough whips that are designed to be used on or off horseback.
Dakitty Whips ( dakota Winrich)
Talented circus performer and exceptional whip cracker, she performs with her husband Adam Winrich and makes PH style whips at great prices and with a good range. I have a budget and premier version of her PH whips and they work well.
Eliason Whip Company
Isaac is based in San Dimas California and makes the most accurate and nicest handling nylon bullwhips I have come across! He makes from pocket sized to twenty plus footers.
I’ve won many an accuracy competition in the past and only wish I’d met him years ago!!
A truly lovely bloke to be with too , check him on out on Etsy
Alyssum Iris
A relative newcomer to the whip making scene who honed her engineering skills making the finest Larp weapons and armour the world had seen and then turned that laser eye to the making of some of the sweetest whips I’ve had the pleasure to crack , now makes quality leather whips too, like her, a joy!
Australia and New Zealand
Peter Jack
Legendary whip maker and trainer, he makes glorious high end whips but also great budget stockwhips that I use for training and competition ,His 5ft "Yard whips" won me a number of of championships and show awards,
Simon Martin quality Leather and Nylon whips to order, his Whippa lace stock whips are legendary, as designed by Gary Brophy and are used by Adam Winrich, Gary and Todd Rexx , all legends in whip cracking. I've used stock whips from Simon and the owner had to fight me to get them back.
Peter Thorndike
If you want the finest , order some of these beauties. Multi World champion whip maker, he also makes collectors piece whips , I don't own one of his, but wish I did. glorious glorious whips ...
Reina Hayashi Loving Circus
A great whip maker who has done more than most to found and grow sports whip cracking in Japan , her whips are fun. quirky and always great fun
South African Whip Makers
Gerhardt Van Rhyl ,
Gerhardt is a voluntary game reserve warden and has been instrumental alongside Margaret van Dyk in populising Sports Whip Cracking in South Africa . They organise regular meets and competitions. Gerhardt makes a variety of whips and leather goods including fantastic simple stock whips that are a joy to use, just check the the cost of postage from SA.
Alwyn Sturgeon
Carriage driver and whip maker who uses kudu hide amonst other leather , very interesting integrated fall knots that ae more like intertwines but still appear very tough. I have two of his whips here in the UK and both crack very well.
section nine:
repairs and Whip Maintenance,
how to make crackers
Two things you need to be able to do once you have learned how to crack a whip.
1 How to make a whip cracker ( popper)
2 How to attach a cracker to the fall of a whip.
Longer lasting whip cracker , nylon and baling twine mix
How to make baling twine and Dyneema cracker for your whip ( lasts longer still! )
Making Dyneema crackers ( very tough, very loud but can tangle on nylon whips)
Replacing the leather fall on a leather bullwhip
How to repair the twisted fall on a nylon whip.
Need a replacement fall or want some posh crackers?
Get in touch with Ric Boyd, this Texan, retired rocket engineer makes supersonic crackers that last until the cows come home and the best colour coordinated and weighted falls you could ask for. Tell him I sent you.
How to crack a whip .
There are many great YouTube videos, I've compiled a list of basic cracks and accompanying videos that I hope you will find useful.
For further help and info please join our family friendly Sports Whip Cracking Group on Facebook and get in touch with me for trainers near you.
For whip cracking shows, demonstrations, lessons, western skills workshops and circus entertainment please see my website (44) 07875 826773
Whip Cracking Tutorial videos
Group and one on one lesson are the finest way of learning whip cracking but if you are unable to meet up with other fans, then this how an awful lot of us learnt! . For the beginner and advanced practioners the ubiquitous YouTube has a wealth of material that can help and inspire you and of course, also put you off for life when you see how far you have yet to go :-) But persevere padawan, we will always continue to learn and improve, there are no true masters only students.
This is not a definitive list, I have put together this list as a guide, nor is it a recommendation for any particular Tutor, there may be a tutor that irritates the bejabbers out of you ,, fine! look further you'll find someone you prefer
Safety, Safety, safety , when learning, please wear safety glasses. Be warned you will hit yourself!!! It HURTS!!!! A wide brimmed hat with long sleeved shirt and jeans are always a GOOD IDEA and leather gloves are sometimes an even better idea. Ow! may be the sign of learning in whip cracking but if you are continually hitting yourself something is badly wrong , get in touch and ask for help!
Names of the different cracks .
There are regional variations on the naming of cracks !
The Circus Crack, The Cattleman's Crack and The Forward Crack , The Gypsy Crack, , The Lion tamers Crack are all the same thing!!
I've seen The Flick called the Side Arm Crack the Underhand Crack and the Side Crack! confused ? don't be , watch the videos, see how it is done, if someone calls it something else..... fine ..... the only important thing is when you enter a competition is to call it what the judges recognise , when you get to that stage I have a copy of the Australian Championships rules for reference.
I use this list as a guide , Whoosh Bang ? ( also called "Cow and calf" !!!! ) That's an Under Arm Crack followed by a Cattleman's Crack ( see above :-0 ) Can I do all the cracks that are listed No ! :-0 but I can teach you how to do them
On Facebooklook for the "Sport, Circus and Performance Whip Cracking Group" put in a request to join , I will then send you a Friend request and a copy of these conditions of membership , if you are not family friendly then I'm sure there are other groups that will welcome you but we won't. If you don't respond within a reasonably time frame I'll assume you have changed your mind
Paul Nolan Mid West Whips
Adam Winrich
Bernie from Em Brand Whips ( RIP)
Basic whip cracking
Adam winrich
Slow Figure 8
More Advanced
Adam Winrich
The many ways you can crack a whip
The Volley
The Snake Killer
The Coachman's Crack
The Overhead Crack
Paul Nolan
The Arrowhead
Tricks with Whips
Paul Nolan Whip Tricks
Target tricks
Adam Winrich
Bullwhip tricks
I get a mention:-)
Adam Winrich
Different types of whips
Chris Camp
Dixie cup drop
Todd Rex
Whip Tosses
other Heroes of mine ....
Ben Hughes
The Messerschmitt
Karikacsapás 2
Traditional Hungarian whip cracking
We now have a fantastic selection of whip cracking tutorial videos from April Jennifer Choi , check them out!
I hope you have enjoyed this post and found it useful,
None of the photos are owned by me, if you want them removed please contact me.
Copyright A Handful of Hats , all rights reserved , no duplication without permission
For whip cracking shows, demonstrations, lessons, western skills workshops and circus entertainment
Whips in Action
From left to right Peter and Sylvia Rosat, teaching Swansea Burlesquers, Adam Winrich and Peter at the 2012 UK National Convention, Whip cracking workshops at the Southend BJC 2013 , workshop at National Museum of Wales , Simon Ratzker getting excited , Pete and Adam doing a double act , traditional whip crackers farewell !