On this page :
1 Pirate Captain Perilous Pete’s Pirate Pack
2 Pirate Workshops
3 Merlyne the ever so scary
4 Albert Stumblemore
presents " Show your colours! "
A veritable treasure chest of Pirates!
How many would you like? international acclaimed story tellers and musician, Pirate circus workshops, balloon modellers and fabulous jugglers.
Circus shows chock full of fun and excitement for all the family, rope tricks, water suspension, sword balancing, sea horse racing, cabin boy beatings and more whips of course!
“That was a brilliant show, the kids and parents loved it and they all want to be Pirates now! ”
“Quite simply the best Pirate Captain we have had here, you added so much to Captain Morgans’ birthday bash, the parents and children absolutely loved you. ”
Pirate Workshops and The Aquanaut
So you want to be a Pirate Eh?
In addition to Captain Perilous’s walkabout workshop, we also have the services of Ist Mate Pennyfeather, teacher of sea shanties, teller of stories , player of games, tyer of knots, teller of tales , dancer of gigs and he plays an authentic hurdy gurdy to boot!
The Aquanaut ! Glorious underwater fun as he goes in search of the Mernaid of his dreams.
Medieval Mayhem
Merlyne “the ever so scary”,
this wicked wizard has spun his magic spells in castles and battlements the length of the UK, providing bespoke shows for CADW, English Heritage, The Royal Signals, THC, The Parachute Regiment and Michael Eavis of Glastonbury Festival fame .
Offering Meet and Greet, Toastmaster, Shows, Fire Shows, Walkabouts and Workshops it’s the complete medieval package.
MEDIEVAL mirth, magic and fiery madness
Clun Green Man Festival, Michael Eavis St Michaelmas Faire , Caerphilly Castle, Chepstow Castle, Margam Castle, the Parachute Regiments. SFSG “ Game of Thrones Summer Ball 2018” Royal Signals Regiment Medieval Summer Ball.
“You gave us first class entertainment!”
“A superb show , probably the best medieval entertainment we have had , fantastic, the horse jousting was inspired and the sword fighting fabulous !”
“The way you stepped in to do the arena show when the celebrity act ailed to show was fantastic, you certainly filled it with your antics and the crowd loved you , a big show with even bigger personalities. ”
" Has he really cut your tongue off?
"Yeth" , said Droole .
Techincal Details available on request
The Green Man Festival, Knights of Margam Park, Syon Park, The Parachute Regiment, The Big Cheese, Llanelli Magic Day. Pilton Tithe Barn, Michaelmas Feast Glastonbury, Merlin Festival in Carmarthen, Caerphilly Castle, CADW, The Royal Regiment of Signals, Chirk Castle, English Heritage, The Natiuonal Trust , The Honorary Artillery Company, Windsor Castle, Prince of Wales Regiment, Cosmeston Medieval Village,
Albert Stumblemore