Circus Workshops, Circus and Play Workshops, Corporate Circus Workshops , Victoriana Circus Workshops , please have a glance below to see what is on offer
circus and Play workshops
“The Marks and Spencers of Circus workshops!” was how we were described by a delighted guest!
The beauty of Circus skills is that regardless of age or ability there is something that everyone can enjoy, what you need is the trainers with the skills, the specialist kit and enthusiasm to pass on the joy.
So we make sure we have as full a range as possible to spark that fire, get them involved and make ‘em smile!
What to expect?
All the usual suspects :
Juggling balls, scarves, clubs and rings, Diablo's, Hula Hoops, Spinning Plates and Poi,
but then we add :
Spinning Lassos, throwing lassos, skipping ropes, manipulation plates, Dragon Tail circus ribbons, flower sticks, mini bikes, cups and balls, kendama, shaker rings, mini foot stilts pedalgos and uniwheels, Scuttle bugs, mini ribbons, more spinning plates, space hoppers and mini bouncy horses and Bubbles!
You might even get whip cracking if the crowd are willing!
Team Building Corporate Circus Workshops

On message, targeted, themed, challenging but most of all fun! circus workshops for adults, smartly dressed trainers , quality props , delivered anywhere for any number!
Please see the Corporate Workshop page for more details
Victorian Circus Workshops
The perfect circus workshop for vintage and Victorian events.
Top hatted Tutors with magnificent whiskers , period costumes and circus props.
A selection of period circus skills toys and paraphernalia, mixed in with some subtle modern props all packed and presented in wooden packing cases and trays to complete the selection.
How many can you accommodate and what space do you need?
We've provided workshops for festivals , fetes and fun days for thousands of people, and one to one training for TV shows and Films and surprise birthday presents for adults too. .
We can fit into an office or we can fill a sportshall.
Outdoors for a fete, a space 25 mtrs X 25mtrs is good but bigger is better, just contact us to discuss your requirements .
All we ask is that the ground is level and flat (tish) and short if it's grass with any clippings cleared away.
How Long can they be ?
From an hour to all day to a week long residency.
Fetes tend to be 11 - 3pm , Corporates for one, two hours, half a day or 10 am - 4pm
just let us know what you have in mind.